Ryley Heppner Podcast

My name is Ryley, and this is my podcast. I am a pastor/church (re)planter, student, and staff member at a Canadian Bible College. I am passionate about preaching through the Bible, helping people finds answers to difficult biblical questions, and exploring how the Gospel speaks to the issues and struggles of our culture. So week to week, through interviews, sermons and teachings, that is what this podcast aims to do! Every 50 YouTube subscribers I raffle a brand new theology book. To enter the raffle just go to my YouTube channel, hit subscribe, and then send an email to ryleyheppnerpodcast@gmail.com with the subject ”Subscribed.”

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Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Today I was joined by pastor, professor and biblical counselor, Dr. Ernie Baker. Our conversation focused primarily on the topics in Dr. Baker's latest book and contribution to the biblical counseling world, Biblical Counseling and the Psychologies. 
Dr. Baker (D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary) serves First Baptist Church as the Interim Senior Adult Pastor. He is also a professor at The Master’s University (Santa Clarita, CA) where he continues to serve as the chair of the online biblical counseling program. He is a fellow with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors and a certified conciliator with The Institute for Christian Conciliation. He has contributed to numerous books and is the author of Marry Wisely, Marry Well, a blueprint for personal preparation, Help! I’m in a Conflict, and most recently Biblical Counseling and the Psychologies. 

Thursday Jun 06, 2024

In Luke 10 Jesus encounters Mary and her sister Martha and it is a powerful picture of the distracting dangers of serving Him rather than sitting with Him.

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

I am joined by author and theologian, Dr. Grace Ji-Sun Kim, to talk about her new book "When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness For a More Just Christianity." In our conversation Dr. Kim describes the origins of her new book, briefly unpacks the roots of and the damage done by painting God as a white, and speaks to how the Church can begin to correct the narrative of Whiteness.
Grace Ji-Sun Kim (PhD, University of Toronto) is professor of theology at Earlham School of Religion in Richmond, Indiana. She is the host of the Madang podcast and has published in TIME, Huffington Post, US Catholic, and The Nation. She is an ordained PC(USA) minister and enjoys being a guest preacher on most Sundays. She is author or editor of 24 books, including Healing Our Broken Humanity, Embracing the Other (Eerdmans, 2015), Christian Doctrines for Global Gender Justice (Pallgrave Macmillian, 2015), and Intercultural Ministry (Judson PR, 2017). She and her spouse, Perry, have three young adult children and live in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

The Thrill of a Man's Heart

Friday May 31, 2024

Friday May 31, 2024

When I was four my parents took me into my first skateboard shop and bought me my first skateboard. I tell you all that not for no reason, but because that has a lot to do with how and why I started really following Jesus and then how and why I became obsessed with His Word.

Tuesday May 28, 2024

The church that does not know the purpose for which it exists will inevitably misplace its focus, misuse its resources, and miss out on so much of God intended for it. The church has got to know its primary purpose. Thankfully its in Ephesians 3, and it is truly a glorious purpose with mind blowing proportions.

Tuesday May 28, 2024

What is God like toward His children? What is the extent of His goodness? How does He give us rest? Psalm 23 has something to say on it!

Monday May 27, 2024

Before reading the genealogy in Matthew chapter 1, one might expect that it would be most boring passage in Matthew's entire book. But nothing could be further from the truth. It is simply incredible how many treasures Matthew packed into just 17 verses, and how he uses a genealogy of all things to so beautifully and poetically setup the rest of the story of Jesus.

Tuesday May 21, 2024

More hard words from Jesus, but there is no getting around it. Are we the overeager disciple or the undereager? What are the things that we have not fully surrendered; the costs we have not truly counted? What are the things we use to justify the putting off of following Jesus with our whole hearts?

The Gospel in 3 Minutes

Monday May 20, 2024

Monday May 20, 2024

What is the Gospel? It seems like a simple question, yet how many of us struggle to put the gospel into words?

Tuesday May 14, 2024

In our ongoing conversation about the Church, today we were joined by a good friend and brother, Reverend Austin Spry. Austin is a Priest in the Anglican Church of Canada, and as such he brings a unique experience and much needed perspective to the conversation. Our questions for Austin covered topics like liturgy, Anglican church models, children in services, centrality of the Scripture, and more.

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